Zach and I found this fabulous piece at an estate sale a few weeks ago. It is an old shipping crate for Remington Typewriters. It works quite nicely as as a coffee table in our living room. Zach is a huge fan of typwriters. If he has a choice he prefers to work on his Remington. Needless to say we were pretty excited when we found this. Isn't it beautiful?
Below is one of the typewriters Zach found recently. It is from 1933. It is in PERFECT condition. Looks absolutely brand new. He paid 35 bucks for it. It's like the laptop of the 30's. He takes it to work and types up his case notes on it. Lovely.
Very nice! You would have liked all the antique stores I saw in Elizabethton, TN, last week. We didn't begin to visit them all, but I bet there would have been some great finds amongst them.